Saturday, March 30, 2013


nationwide black

it is the hour of the booboo
man the threat
Mama warned

bones buried
in the closet
dirt swept
underneath the carpet
come crawling out

mini-monster mosquitoes
creatures of the dark
of precept
or principle

in a mass of blood and body
come out to ramajay
on a good black
Easter Friday

end of lent

it is the hour of the booboo
and a bobo-
lee to beat

©2013 by G Newton V Chance

Thursday, March 28, 2013


"Simon, that man of Cyrene... 
Natty dreadlocks carry the cross..." Big Youth

What's up brother?
What's up with the 'nigga'?
Is that who or what we are?

What's with the 'dog' and the 'hoss'?
What's with the 'bitches' and the 'hoes'?
Are we lions and tigers no longer?

Are we just jackals and hyenas,
feeding on leftovers
and each other?

Or have we become
dumb, domesticated,
domiciled to self-embracing stigma?

What's wrong with us, black brother?
What's wrong with us, my bleeding sister?
What's up my brother?

©2013 by G Newton V Chance

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Distant hills, brown 
with death, yet green
with hope
and life;
though carnivores
of blood and truth,
like locusts,
would denude you
of your name
and reputation;
your luxuriant valleys, tumbling
waterfalls and frolicking
streams will endure
after crisis
of hurricanes and leaping flames.

Tell me how a tremor
and a quake has shaped,
with celestial hands,
the audacity of your peaks;
how, though earth, moon, sun, sky,
the stars, the sand, the days of man,
all numbered; my love
for you, my land
of twos and trinities,
is never ending...

The cat with opaque
eyes mews
stares... in disbelief
and nine is the number
of my grief
and my relief.

©2013 by G Newton V Chance


It is the season of the harvest
when a parched land
is forsaken
by heaven and her rain,
the sun a constant squint
above the ancient parchment
of a blue and cloudless sky.

A green leaf briefly
turns gold-
en and then forever
brown but the forest and the tree
lives on, a tiny seed
in the alchemy of the seasons.

What is this fascination with fire?
Immortelle, roble, bloodwood, poui
tree roofs are ablaze,
the forest a burnt offering
to Vulcan or to Mars.

(Better by far, a forest
aflame with flower
than with fire.)

These tall trees burning were once men
or men were once tall trees burning
with faith and fervour
living centuries in Bible days;
hard to believe
in a land of green
and plenty, blessed
with perpetual warmth, a heart
can be so hungry, so empty, so naked,
so gaunt
but heart is a witness
that never lies.

Here, amidst harsh
beauty of tinder-brittle forest floor
and river beds of dwindling water,
there is a thirst,
a bitter dryness
of the mouth and throat,
a thirst for truth
and right that will not
be slaked or sated
or placated
by cosmetic
or tainted platitudes.

©2013 by G Newton V Chance

Thursday, March 14, 2013


In these islands, the stretched and dessicated
phallus of a steer,
pressed into service as a whip,
assumes mythical dimensions, a potent weapon
of priapic proportions and propensities.

On first application across the back-
ground, the unfortunate victim
freezes up,
mid motion,
like the GUI of a PC running Windows 95.

On second application,
the unfortunate victim
registers a malfunction,
an 'illegal operation' error message;
asks "Who get that?"

On third application,
the unfortunate victim,
like a C compiler's 'Hello World',
will be observed to remark
"Aye people, look bullpistle sharing here,

Better I get out before I get my share"
and take off bird-speed,
no looking back,
like a daemon bat
from Hades cave.

This efficacious medication
could work wonders administered
in daily doses by prescription
to foolers, lamers and less than 
honest servants of the people.

©2013  by G Newton V Chance


The street's no fun no more.

Gone the days of brotherhood
and neighbourhood;
on the block
bird watching,
doing high fives
while getting high
a joint or roach;
with Walter, Che and Mao;
with Marcus, Marx and Malcolm,
Cesaire, Sartre and Fanon;
peacing out with one eye
open for the pigs.

But then with time the lime
became a game
of mayhem.

The pistol has been fired;
consciousness false started,
disqualified and departed,
leaving a mental block –
crime powered off the blocks
and breaking tape and records,
long crossed the finish line.

Now all remains
of brotherhood
and neighbourhood
is the hood
and the greed.
The green, the grass, the flowers
and the love
have left
concrete pavements, cold,
painted red in blood,
yellow with our fears
of gangs,
gangsters smoking
guns, drugs
and ourselves.

©2013  by G Newton V Chance 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


(Viva Chávez y la revolución pacífica y democrática contra el imperialismo y el elitismo)

Always there is a danger in making heroes
of mortal men. Enemy eyes diminish, see nothing
but imperfection. Achilles and Ulysses no heroes
to the Trojan nor Aeneas and Hector to the Greek... and in Caracas,

in our time, arose an Argonaut named Hugo, Apostle of Bolivar, beloved
friend of Fidel and the people, a visionary on a mission for the poor
and dispossessed, Fanon's wretched of the ghettoes and the barrios.

Impervious to raining arrows, the ever looming threats
of occupation, invasion, subversion, insurgence,
isolation, sanctions and propaganda,

Little Latin David, head anointed with a tri-l-lion barrels
of holy oil, no weapons but his courage and a slingshot
of rhetoric, stood up to nuclear might, facing down Goliath,
Philistine monolith... of elitist, imperialist interest.

©2013 by G Newton V Chance


The serpent yawns
and turns upon its tail,
morphs into dragon-
boat regattas, calypso cruises,
mariner piers and yatchies.
Up and down the islands,
pirogues peddling poison-pleasures.
Here leviathans cavort
on sea and land.
Lepers and ocelots replaced
by leopards, spotted cats
large enough to own their own
private island playgrounds.
Old untouchables replaced
by new untouchables.
West for some now Eden
and East the new Wild West.
And like inmates on Carrera,
surrounded by sea and sharks,
we all have now become
prisoners on this island,
prisoners without parole.

©2013 by G Newton V Chance


On concrete slab
round table,
outside rumshop,
served cold
to country
on platter
like John's
to Herodias,
a la carte
Columbian cartel style,
a head,


separated from shell,
left lying lifeless, abandoned,
in abandoned canefield,
bitter harvest
of deluded quest for sugar
of quick material gains.

Karma comes round
on the wheel of misfortune
in a hostile game of hustle
in a hostel named California.

I stand at the window,
on the outside peering in,
on the inside peering out.

Belafonte's yellow bird has flown
its paradisal tropic island nest.
Gone the sweet and tender bird calls 
of our innocence.

There is nothing left but silence
of secret ops
(and cover ups by crooked cops),

and the melody
of a symphony, a sympathy,
for the Devil and a bedevilled nation.

The marching band of death is playing loudly
but death marchers have forgotten
how to march.

©2013 by G Newton V Chance


(for Austin ‘Superblue’ Lyons)

Aye, Austin, remember when we little black boys
and blue boys would cut and cut and cut the bark
of the rubber tree down in the gully; bleed the sap,

milky brown ‘laglee’, in a tin cup like a livestock
farmer milking his cattle's teat. Dry it in the tropic heat,
stretch thin and wrap and wrap and wrap into rubber

balls. Odd balls that would bounce and bounce and bounce
as with some super pogo power or a six million dollar bionic
man. In 'country' cricket, erratic, hit for six, would get lost

in the bushes and fielders would search and search and search
for the prodigal ball, like Oddfellows searching for a Holy Grail,
to no avail. Lost-ball win match for the side at the wicket

and the loser would run home with his bat, or his other ball
in his pocket, like a spoil-child. Then one day, while clearing
the bushes, you bounce up on the ball and it still good as ever,

still erratic, bouncing, bouncing, bouncing every which way
like a super pogo or six million dollar man, googlie, swinging
from side to side, wicked, knocking down young boy wicket

with venom like a Midnight Robber.
Aye , Austin, we can't afford to lose this match
or lose this ball again.

©2013 by G. Newton V. Chance

My photo
George Newton Vivian Chance (Trinidad and Tobago) -- member of the Poet Society of Trinidad and Tobago, and the World Poets Society, -- born in Tobago on 3rd March 1957. While residing at Rio Claro was inspired to write over a hundred poems at the turn of the Millennium. Hobbies include playing wind instruments, building computers, observing nature, reading and writing poetry. Believes that the power of a song is in its ability to evoke emotions by the marriage of lyric and music but that music without lyric can be just as powerful, that lyric without music can also be just as powerful, that there is music in the lyric and that lyric can be simple yet profound. Also, in this the age of computers, would like to model his lines after simple and efficient code and, analogous to Object Oriented Programming, achieve most of his imagery from nouns and verbs, avoiding the bloat and excess of unnecessary adjectives. This is what he aspires to attain in his poetry.

I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older
than the flow of human blood in human veins.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.

I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn
all golden in the sunset.

I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

by Langston Hughes

the poet writes the poem;
the reader gives it life
(© G. Newton V. Chance)
Make somebody happy (© Alexander Ligertwood & Carlos Santana)


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