Grim Reaper stood guard at the cold front-gate of hot Hades,
cloaked in condoms and prophylactic propaganda,
assisted by the callous inaction of world-power,
and the conscienceless patented piracy of the profiteer,
warmly greeted and welcomed, with little fanfare,
the throng, overflowing, he plucked the rich harvest of AIDS,
hapless victims of wanton Desire's sexual onslaught and slaughter,
the fallen in the carnal, coital war of promiscuity and infidelity.
Was the infected the infidel— the selfish, salacious, lewd, lascivious, fornicating, self-gratifying adulterer,
protagonist of same sex, sado-sex, homosex, bi-sex, free-sex, pay-sex, gay-sex, loose-sex, libertine liberty,
long-tongued, short-thonged libertines, gratuitous, grand and gay—
O Thespis! Is this the price we pay for their innocuous Russian roulette play?
Or the junk-needle, the bleeding, bloodletting, blood-giving,
blood-banking, blood-sharing, fluid-sharing, needle-sharing, innoculating;
was it an indictment on loving, giving, sharing, life-saving,
when the substance of life became the channel of dying;
(motherless babes are daily dying and crying,
innocent lives cut short, infected in childbearing)
did the fear of ignorance or the ignorance of fearing
overpower the care of love or the love of caring?
Or malicious, malignant, malevolent, genocidal, suicidal, sinister scientists,
or blame the African Rhesus, but was it them or us, this green macaque monkey business?
(at least this hypothesis seems to support the Darwinist apologist.)
Is the African Diaspora a victim of headless penis-power supremacist
belief or the lead character in a power-play plot on a genocide hit-list?
We witness the viciousness of patented pharmaceutical avarice,
the obscene millions made from drugs dispensed by pharmacists
while millions who cannot afford, the world can ill afford, suffer in silence and perish.
Can the ‘safe sex with a single partner’ solution be the answer?
But how can you be sure you are your single partner’s single partner?
Will we, shamefully, shamelessly, selfishly, take things in hand, like Onan
of old, and spill the future upon the barren ground?
Or is this the golden, monastic dawn of the Age of Celibacy
when man, perforce, by force, must he an ascetic be?
Will mankind find the cure, save our future from disaster sure?
Que sera, sera! There are more questions than answers, by far.
Grim Reaper's aide lurked in the shadows at the front-gate of Hades,
cloaked in condom campaigns of misinformation and hypocrisy,
assisted by fear, denial, ignorance, prejudice and uncertainty,
and the conscienceless profiteer's patented piracy,
worked assiduously, his illustrious attaché,
the throng, overflowing, they plucked the rich harvest of AIDS.
Copyright ©2001 by G. Newton V. Chance
What is a song if not poetry dressed in melody to sing along? (© G. Newton V. Chance)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
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- George Newton Vivian Chance (Trinidad and Tobago) -- member of the Poet Society of Trinidad and Tobago, and the World Poets Society, -- born in Tobago on 3rd March 1957. While residing at Rio Claro was inspired to write over a hundred poems at the turn of the Millennium. Hobbies include playing wind instruments, building computers, observing nature, reading and writing poetry. Believes that the power of a song is in its ability to evoke emotions by the marriage of lyric and music but that music without lyric can be just as powerful, that lyric without music can also be just as powerful, that there is music in the lyric and that lyric can be simple yet profound. Also, in this the age of computers, would like to model his lines after simple and efficient code and, analogous to Object Oriented Programming, achieve most of his imagery from nouns and verbs, avoiding the bloat and excess of unnecessary adjectives. This is what he aspires to attain in his poetry.
I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older
than the flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn
all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
by Langston Hughes
the poet writes the poem;
the reader gives it life
(© G. Newton V. Chance)
the reader gives it life
(© G. Newton V. Chance)
Make somebody happy (© Alexander Ligertwood & Carlos Santana)
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