a st-one's th-row a-way a g-lass
ho-use at which s-tones are thr-own
at w-itch s-ton-es s-to-nes st-on-es thr-ow-n th-rough
wind-ow at w-it-ch thro-ugh win-d-ow
fro-m in-side a gl-ass
ho-us-e devo-id of mirr-or-s
de-void in-s-id-e an-d out no-t
on-e sin-gle pain-ted gl-as-s
of liv-in-g w-at-er
ho-use at which s-tones are thr-own
at w-itch s-ton-es s-to-nes st-on-es thr-ow-n th-rough
wind-ow at w-it-ch thro-ugh win-d-ow
fro-m in-side a gl-ass
ho-us-e devo-id of mirr-or-s
de-void in-s-id-e an-d out no-t
on-e sin-gle pain-ted gl-as-s
of liv-in-g w-at-er
©2013 by G. Newton V. Chance