bitches wagging
pit bull swagging
wolves werewolves
aggression regression
dogs were once wolves
men were once feral
under a yellow moon
dog eating man
man eating dog
dog eating dog
man eating man
bias obvious
as a rudeboy's drawers
in a turbulent time
every whisper is the enemy
it is a man's man's man's
but it would be nothing
without a dog's tongue in it
© 2012 by G Newton V Chance
Shatter! shatter! shatter!
Gunshot ah buss;
Shotgun ah fire.
Oh God, mi people!
Why are we still
Slaughtering each other?
by G Newton V Chance © 2012
And the more mosquito you kill,
Is the more they keep coming still.
(Ask Stalin).
by G Newton V Chance © 2012
I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older
than the flow of human blood in human veins.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn
all golden in the sunset.
I've known rivers:
Ancient, dusky rivers.
My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
by Langston Hughes
the poet writes the poem;
the reader gives it life
(© G. Newton V. Chance)
Make somebody happy (© Alexander Ligertwood & Carlos Santana)